Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thank you for your Tantrum!

I really mean it! I truly do. Am I crazy? Am I being sarcastic? NO....I truly mean it, Took...thank you for your tantrum! Simply put, thank you for showing me you!

Still scratching your head?

Sure, there are times that I feel frustrated when she has an all out tantrum...but then I take a breath and I tell myself that SHE is frustrated. Thank you my girl for showing me how you feel, for letting me know what you don't want, because now we can work together. Thank you for reminding me that, for the most part, you are trying to figure out this confusing world and it doesn't make sense. Just because we have to wait in line at the store, when you are close to your nap and haven't had lunch, doesn't mean it makes sense...why can't we just leave!? "I hear you!" Thank you for showing me the many expectations of a young child that are inappropriate.

Thank you for coming to me during your tantrum, I will not leave you alone with these feelings. I love how we can get through this together, as a team, for I know that you will come to me with all of your emotions. I will help you try to find the words to express how you feel and be with you until you feel better. You seem to calm down instantly when you are given the words you want to say, "Mommy, I don't like this!", "Mommy, this makes me mad!", "I am frustrated!". Just the other day you were upset with a toy that wasn't working. You threw it and instantly came to me asking to be picked up. I knew these feelings were confusing for you to have. So, I picked you up and we talked about it and worked through it. We went back to that toy together and I encouraged you to try it again, when you came upon the same problem, I showed you how to say and sign "help" and you did! You were so proud of yourself and so was Mommy! I showed you how to turn the toy on and you did it, all by yourself and went on playing...we both had a big smile!

I know that when you are feeling upset or frustrated that these feelings are real for you, regardless of what I think of them. I have had those moments too, when I thought something was a big deal and someone else did not, but I wanted that other person to just understand me. I understand you baby girl!

I will not reject you in your time of need. I will not ignore you when you are feeling something other than happy, especially for reasons of my own emotional needs. You have your own emotional needs and I am blessed to be able to help you through it!

I am so glad that we have decided together to keep nursing, at 15 months, this seems to always make you feel better when you bump your head. This process has already taught you to say "ow" and touch the part of your body that hurts, as you come running to Mommy or Daddy. We love you. We love everything that you are. We love every way that you are. We will always always be here for you.

Took, thank you for your tantrum!

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